I've been doing computer programming for a while now (that's an Imperial "while" you'll note. Multiply by 1.6 to get the more typical metric "while".) And just about all of that programming has involved some sort of GUI work on a desktop application. In my opinion there are many great books that can help you become better at this sort of thing. However, if you want to learn as much as possible in as little time as possible then I recommend three books.
The first book tells you how to know what to build. This is surprisingly difficult because you often aren't building a program for yourself you're building it for someone else and you don't know what they need. If you're a programmer this is even harder because programmers think in a very peculiar way with respect to computers. If you're a developer and you're building a user interface what you end up with an interface that doesn't do what it needs to and does it in a very strange and round about way.
The Inmates are R

If you're not a developer you should read About Face. About Face is also by Alan Cooper and contains the same material as the inmates are running the asylum but also contained additional chapters and give more detail on constructing processes in an organization to formalize interface development. This is useful if you have to convince the organization or even the developers on your team that's something you're suggesting make sense. Believe me you'll need to do this at some point. Probably before you actually get any real work done.
In both these books, Alan Cooper explains several methods you can use in order to figure out exactly what your software is supposed to do. Newcomers to the field often think that the way you figure out what your software should do is you ask the user. In practice this doesn't work very well unless the person you're asking is a user interface designer. Users are extremely bad at expressing what they want. For it to have any hope of working you'll need a tight feedback loop and lots of prototyping/trial and error. The tight feedback loop is almost never possible in practice and even when it is the results are still... average. To do better to do better you'll need to read the book.
Book 2 is GUI Bloopers. Actually, this book is a stand-in for si

Most people have been exposed to computer interfaces before and have an intuitive grasp of how buttons panels menu bars and the like should all work. GUI Bloopers is about the things that user interface designers often get wrong when they try and transfer this intuitive knowledge into an explicit design. The book is also extremely fun to read. It brings up examples of bloopers in real-life and often well-known applications with often funny results. Sometimes I read it as a form of therapy.
The end result of having an application that obeys platform conventions is that it feels very familiar and natural. The user can start using the application right from the start without feeling disoriented or having to think about what he's doing. In the past there were many people who had never used a computer before. These days most people interact with a computer every day. If you build an application in such a way that it works very similarly to other applications you will have drastically reduced the learning time and people will have a very warm fuzzy feeling of familiarity with your application right from the start. On the other hand if your application works in a completely weird and unexpected way it will make the user feel as if they're starting over from scratch again. It will be disorientating and confusing and that's not a a good first impression to make. Let's not be bush-league.

So those are my three books in roughly the order of importance. I think I'll end my post here. I'm sure you got a lot of reading to do.